Monthly Archives: May 2013

Watermelon Margaritas

watermelon margaritas

My little sister’s concocted this killer poolside treat and today I will be sharing it with you all!

Watermelon Margarita aka the Kendall Jenner

(FYI all drinks my family or I have “invented” are named after celebrities that share the same name as the inventor… unfortunately we can’t think of any celebrities named Kendall other than Miss Jenner which destroys my mom’s soul.  Does anyone have any other suggestions…?)


  • 2 tablespoons agave
  • 1/3 cup lime juice
  • 4 cups cubed frozen watermelon (slice and store in the freezer on a cookie sheet for a few hours)
  • 1 1/4 cup tequila
  • Ice (if needed)


Blend on high in a blender.  Adjust ingredients according to your preference.  Drink immediately!

129 128 watermelon marg

Recommendations of the Day

Mixing things up a little bit and wanted to share a few things making me smile/laugh/feel good… enjoy 🙂


Kiss Cam

Nothing makes me happier than a Kiss Cam… so to see David Beckham ON a Kiss Cam (with baby Harper no less) I basically died.  But I almost enjoyed what happened at the 33 second mark the most!

A Good Book

I love to read, and this past weekend I started reading “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me” by Mindy Kaling.  I know I am a little behind (the book came out last year) but it is so funny and so many parts are SO true.  Do yourself a favor and indulge in a great poolside read… I also am totally addicted to her show “The Mindy Project” (it is easing my pain of losing the office).

Wedding Season

The season is upon us… and what can make a person happier than seeing two people come together/having a reason to get a new dress (shoes, jewelry, purse)/hopefully have a little mini getaway for all of those destination weddings?

Bar Method

I never thought a workout would make any positive list that I would create… but the joke’s on me!  Three weeks ago I decided to get back in the workout groove and cleaned out my garage and have been doing workout DVDs (almost) every morning.  This workout is already showing benefits – a leaner, more toned physic and (my mom will love most) – better posture.  I bought a bar/weights/stretching strap, but honestly you can do these workouts with a chair on your living room floor.  Definitely worth a try!

Spring Rolls

We ate these a lot growing up, but once I moved out I was too intimidated to make them on my own… until recently! I realized what a quick and healthy meal this can be, and you can pretty much throw whatever you want into them!  My latest obsession is shrimp, butter lettuce, mango, cucumber, rice noodles, and mint… make or buy your peanut sauce and voila you are ready to go!  I also do this with leftovers for work the next day!

Ready for Love

My latest guilty pleasure, this Bachelor-esque show got canceled after the first episode and is only available online.  But don’t be deceived by one day of poor ratings… this show is amazing and last night’s episode took the cake.  Do yourself a favor and grab your laptop and a cocktail and catch up on this amazing matchmaking series!!!

Strawberry Creme Fraiche Ice Cream

I bought these amazingly sweet, tiny organic strawberries and knew I needed to do something with them – and what is more decadent than creme fraiche meeting ice cream?!


Thanks to Cookstr I came across this great recipe… the combination of lemon, strawberries, vanilla and creme fraiche were enough to persuade my sweets-averse husband to come back for seconds!

Strawberry Ice Cream

Strawberry Creme Fraiche Ice Cream

Adopted from: Lori Longbotham – Luscious Berry Desserts


  • 1 pint ripe strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup crème fraîche
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt



Puree the strawberries with the sugar in a blender or food processor (or just mash them with a muddler if you are too lazy to do dishes like I am – make sure the fruit is as pureed or chunky as you’d like it to be in your ice cream). Transfer to a large bowl and whisk in the cream, creme fraiche, lemon juice to taste, vanilla, and salt. Refrigerate, covered, until thoroughly chilled.

2. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Transfer to a Tupperware and freeze for at least 2 hours.

Strawberry Ice Cream

The Happiness Files

Coffee from my favorite spot in Santa Cruz – Verve

MargaritasSunday afternoon drinks


Wine Tasting at Testarossa

TestarossaMy Love


Sharks Playoffs Round 2

PS. I’m very happy to report my website’s URL is officially (no WordPress needed! So exciting… for me at least 🙂

Weekly Outfits #11

James Jeans

Outfit #1: Abercrombie Sweater, Cabi Top, James Jeans, J Crew Sandals, Necklace (from Pop Sugar Box)

Alice and Olivia Jumpsuit

Outfit #2: Zara Blazer, Alice + Olivia Jumpsuit, Zara Heels

Black Blazer

Outfit #3: Banana Republic Blazer, Trina Turk Dress, Vintage Necklace, J.Crew Sandals

J Crew PantsOutfit #4: Zara Blazer, Banana Republic Tank, J. Crew Pants, Cole Hann Sandals