Sandwich Time

Sorry for the shoddy iPhone pictures of food… my eating habits look way less appetizing with the bad lighting/bland backgrounds and pixelated images… hopefully Santa will hook it up this year 🙂

anyway, despite the fact i am wishing away a pesky 10 pounds, the majority of my food choices are not reflecting that of “one on a diet.” instead my heart is telling me life is too short and to really have something to look forward to at lunch (a recently spent a work week on a liquid diet… work is bad enough without having to choose celery juice vs beet juice at 12pm).  therefore i have been making more of an effort to pack martha-esque lunches for myself…

a fab and easy favorite as of late are wraps and sandwiches.  growing up sandwiches were really never my thing but i’ve grown to appreciate the ease and convenience of one.  granted i stray from my hubbies favorite – turkey/cheddar/white bread (gasp i know)… but try a more gourmet approach – turkey/apple/white cheddar or tomato/basil/mozzarella with a balsamic glaze.  last week i had my all-time favorite adapted from a pizza my mom made for us – prosciutto, arugula, brie and fig jam… try it… i dare you not to enjoy!


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